
Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Compost is one of the best organic fertilizer that we can use in cultivation. their are plus and minus points regarding compost. first we discuss what are the plus points regarding compost. 

  1. it is organic and their is no harm using it. you can use as much as you want you don't need to worry about over dozing. 
  2. compost is partly degraded plant materials and animal wast such as cow dung, goat manure, chicken manure. their for it contain macro nutrient for plant growth an micro nutrients too. these nutrient composition is determined by the material you add for preparing  compost. 
  3. compost will provide nutrients to plants for longer period gradually.  
  4. compost create healthy strong plant instead of large succulent plant that attract pests and susceptible for pest and fungi attacks. compost given plants are strong and hard that can tolerate pest and fungi attacks.
  5. compost is easy to create and you don't need to spend lot of money for that you can use plant waste, cutoffs, cow dung, goat manure, chicken manure.
  6. you can add rock phosphate rock dust, and dolomite, and Epsom salt as mineral supplements. these are natural rock dusts that contain Mg, Ca, P their for these are acceptable inputs in organic cultivation.
  7. you can prepare compost in different ways pit method, heap method, bin method later i will explain about this.
  8. compost will enhance soil structure and it will enhance soil organism diversity and density. by doing that compost will help to recover damaged soil from conventional agriculture to natural level.
  9. compost will not contaminate ground water. 
  10. most important thing  compost will help to produce totally healthy safe food rather contaminated good looking food.
negative aspects 

  1. compost will not give results as other chemical fertilizers rapidly it will take some time.
  2. compost is bulk-some and little bit difficult to handle.
when we consider plus and minus you can see it is beneficial to use compost you can do your own experiments regarding this their is no hard and fast rule regarding this. all the things depend on where you live what you can put as inputs what is your  climate condition soil condition. then you can share your experience with rest of world.

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Natural farming

Hi I'm Nalin from Sri Lanka. professionally I do importing and sales of agriculture technological equipment that is related to micro ...