Lanka Cherry tomato organic trial at our farm
Tomatoes after ripen
Tomatoes ripen on tree
Small Flower bunch
Long flower bunch
immature fruits
Lanka cherry tomato is the only cherry tomato verity recommended by Department of Agriculture. it is small in size that is natural to cherry tomato and fruit is pear shape slightly elongated and orange red in color. fruit taste sweet and sour taste is minimum. this tomato can use as fresh fruit or salad or garnishing. excellent in taste. this verity has 14 day shelf life in room temperature. and you can make sun dry tomato out of this.
based on department information this verity show undetermined growth. at the same time it is bush
type tall plant. majority of the flower bunches has about 6 flowers but some flower bunches grow long like typical cherry tomato type. if you cultivate commercially this verity will give 4 ton harvest per hectare. my experience during cultivation. I obtain seeds from department of Agriculture sales stall. I made small nursery bed and i didn't use any fertilizer or fungicide for nursery bed preparation. plants grown under natural condition healthy manner. then I have transplant those plants on soil mound with lot of organic matter. plants grown well but few plants got infected by curly top virus. I use to apply sea weed extract and fish emulsion as liquid fertilizer. plants grown well now fruiting well too. since this is heirloom verity I can use extracted seeds to my next cultivation.
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