
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Recovering from Ashes

It is after long time I start to write back lot of things has changed Sri lanka is chaged a lot and as a nation we are strugling to overcome economic crisis. I had to leave my farm for stime because of economic reasons and other reasons. then someone has set fire to the farm and i had lost around 50 odd souesoup plants and trees. it is huge loss then   I thougt to cultivatre my farm again. My brother from Slovenia  Alex came into help he help me financily to start this farm again it is the brotherhood. 

 I start this farm for two reasons one is produce some food if there is food scarecity come in futre. second  reason is secret.   below i mention few verites I plant 

Malabar Spinach 

malabar spinach is similer to spinach but it is vain and grow fast you can eat leafs and stem both are fleshy and green. thre is another verity of malabar spinach with perple stem but that verity has small leafs and long vains. this seeds were given by Mr Chaminda he is one of my best friend like abrother.

Sri lankans prepare real nice curry mix wil lantil and it is realy nice taste. 


this is local verity of pumpkin and I got seed from one of friend and witing to see the fruit to find out how it will be. we have some trouble with plant spaling eating animals because small plants are favorit food for peacocks rabit and mouse deer, we plant they eat e hope they will leave something to us too. 

 Sweet Potato 

seet potato perple skin verity I got some cuttings from Mr Dumidu Retiyela  and all the cuttings were sucessfully growing. I expect it vill give harvest within four months upward. last time sweetpotato harvest was very good ome sweetpotatos were over  1kg. 

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Natural farming

Hi I'm Nalin from Sri Lanka. professionally I do importing and sales of agriculture technological equipment that is related to micro ...