
Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Plant Diversity of our farm

Wood trees 1. Kolon tree 2. Helamba tree 3. Magosa tree 4. Huri Mara Tree 5. Burutha tree . Koon Tree 7. Eboney Tree 8. Welan tree 9. Maila Tree 10. Dan Tree 11. Penela Tree 12. Goda Kirala Tree 13. Ketakela tree Fruit Trees 1. Soursoap Tree 2. Banana tree 2.1. KoliKuttu Banana 2.2. Ambul Banana 2.3. Sini Banana 2.4. Amban Banana 2.5. Puwalu Banana 2.6. Cavendish Banana 2.7. G9 Banana 2.8. Suwadel Banana 2.9. Nethrapalam 2.10. Red Banana 2.11. Ash Plantain 3. Jackfruit tree 3.1. Red Jackfruit tree 3.2. Pink Jackfruit tree 3.3. Fire Jackfruit tree 4. Apple Guawa 5. Kalpitiya Red Pomogranate 6. Orange 7. Lime 8. Naththaran 9. Lanka Olive 10. wax Apple (Pink) 11. wax Apple (Yellow) 12. Koon 13. Mora 14. Ambul Pera 15. Jew Plumbs/ Golden apple 16. Pinapple Palm Trees 1. Coconut Trees Vegitables 1. Kantola 2. riged Groud 3. winged beans 4. terkey berries 5. Indian Dwaf Morringa 6. Cucumber 7. Tomato 8. ela batu

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Recovering from Ashes

It is after long time I start to write back lot of things has changed Sri lanka is chaged a lot and as a nation we are strugling to overcome economic crisis. I had to leave my farm for stime because of economic reasons and other reasons. then someone has set fire to the farm and i had lost around 50 odd souesoup plants and trees. it is huge loss then   I thougt to cultivatre my farm again. My brother from Slovenia  Alex came into help he help me financily to start this farm again it is the brotherhood. 

 I start this farm for two reasons one is produce some food if there is food scarecity come in futre. second  reason is secret.   below i mention few verites I plant 

Malabar Spinach 

malabar spinach is similer to spinach but it is vain and grow fast you can eat leafs and stem both are fleshy and green. thre is another verity of malabar spinach with perple stem but that verity has small leafs and long vains. this seeds were given by Mr Chaminda he is one of my best friend like abrother.

Sri lankans prepare real nice curry mix wil lantil and it is realy nice taste. 


this is local verity of pumpkin and I got seed from one of friend and witing to see the fruit to find out how it will be. we have some trouble with plant spaling eating animals because small plants are favorit food for peacocks rabit and mouse deer, we plant they eat e hope they will leave something to us too. 

 Sweet Potato 

seet potato perple skin verity I got some cuttings from Mr Dumidu Retiyela  and all the cuttings were sucessfully growing. I expect it vill give harvest within four months upward. last time sweetpotato harvest was very good ome sweetpotatos were over  1kg. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Winged bean


winged bean is a vegetable that belong to pulse. it is creeper that grow along a support that we provide. it could be stick tree branch or any thing stiff enough to grow along. winged bean is unique vegetable that come in two colors green and purple. green winged bean is the common verity. when it come leaf shape normal broad leaf verity and long leaf verity also grown. this vegetable perform well in dry climate condition and flower blooming also induce with dry climate. vegetable need to harvest before become mature tender beans are good to east as raw salad or cooked. since this vegetable is pulse it contain lot of proteins and fiber.
since this plant is pulse it can absorb nitrogen through root granules with the help of rhizobium bacteria. and rhizobium bacteria live in root nodules of the winged bean plant. plant provide food for the bacteria and bacteria fix nitrogen instead for food there for plant and bacteria co exist. due to that plant dose not need that much fertilizer inputs. there for this plant is excellent as organic cultivation. in other hand pest attacks for this plant also minimal that is another advantage. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Peacock or Indian peafowl becoming pest in Sri Lanka

 Peacock or Indian peafowl Pavo cristatus once peacocks were rare bird that we couldn't see it in our back yards. we had to go for jungles or nature parks to see peacocks but now peacock has became  a pest for most of the cultivation. peacock population was controlled by Sri Lankan jackal Canis aureus naria .Sri Lankan jackal  use to eat eggs and small chicks of the peacock their for natural population was controlled by natural predators. but now predators are not exist as it use to and at the same time peacocks has use to domestic environment and use to feed on cultivation done by humans. peacocks use to eat most of the crops starting from grain crops rice, corn, millet, fruits such as water melons vegetables  these birds use to eat from saplings to mature fruits leafs, grains, flower buds, flowers, small fruits within their palate. some pests are killed by humans but peacock have extra protection from heaven. peacock is considered as vehicle of Hindu god Goad Katharagama. their for humans afraid to kill peacocks that is another advantage for peacock to thrive. now we are experiencing damages from peacocks. these birds damage crop and damage to plants too. their for government need to revise policy regarding this birds in order to minimize damage by this birds. 
Peacock eggs
Peacock eggs in their ground open nest.
peacocks has identified that they have minimum threat from us. their fore they have select a location to build their open nest on ground in our farm. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Compost is one of the best organic fertilizer that we can use in cultivation. their are plus and minus points regarding compost. first we discuss what are the plus points regarding compost. 

  1. it is organic and their is no harm using it. you can use as much as you want you don't need to worry about over dozing. 
  2. compost is partly degraded plant materials and animal wast such as cow dung, goat manure, chicken manure. their for it contain macro nutrient for plant growth an micro nutrients too. these nutrient composition is determined by the material you add for preparing  compost. 
  3. compost will provide nutrients to plants for longer period gradually.  
  4. compost create healthy strong plant instead of large succulent plant that attract pests and susceptible for pest and fungi attacks. compost given plants are strong and hard that can tolerate pest and fungi attacks.
  5. compost is easy to create and you don't need to spend lot of money for that you can use plant waste, cutoffs, cow dung, goat manure, chicken manure.
  6. you can add rock phosphate rock dust, and dolomite, and Epsom salt as mineral supplements. these are natural rock dusts that contain Mg, Ca, P their for these are acceptable inputs in organic cultivation.
  7. you can prepare compost in different ways pit method, heap method, bin method later i will explain about this.
  8. compost will enhance soil structure and it will enhance soil organism diversity and density. by doing that compost will help to recover damaged soil from conventional agriculture to natural level.
  9. compost will not contaminate ground water. 
  10. most important thing  compost will help to produce totally healthy safe food rather contaminated good looking food.
negative aspects 

  1. compost will not give results as other chemical fertilizers rapidly it will take some time.
  2. compost is bulk-some and little bit difficult to handle.
when we consider plus and minus you can see it is beneficial to use compost you can do your own experiments regarding this their is no hard and fast rule regarding this. all the things depend on where you live what you can put as inputs what is your  climate condition soil condition. then you can share your experience with rest of world.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Green Scotch Bonnet ( Nai Miris)

Scotch Bonnet is one of chili verity that has scoville scale of 100,000 to 350,000 that is compare to common green chili scoville scale 50,000  to 100,000. this chili verity grow love little bit shade but it grow on open spaces too. plant seeds need to plant without dry them. if you can find red chili pepper then cut open chili pepper and then remove seeds and plant in a pot or nursery bed. don't submerge seeds too deep. then you can moist the pot or nursery bed when it seems little dry. don't leave it to dry or dont over water that can cause fungi infections. seeds will germinate within seven to ten days. then grow seedlings around 21 days until strong enough to transplant.
you have to provide some shade after transplanting for about 3 days meanwhile you have to water this newly transplant plants. after three to four days you can remove shade and water plant until it show new growing small leafs. when you can see plant is established in field then you can water plants every other day. if you practice organic cultivation you can dig the plant pit before transplant and add compost, dolomite and rock phosphate to plant pit and cover the mix with top soil. then you can dig small hoke in refilled pit and plant the chili plant. after transplanting and plant established in the field the you can provide additional organic fertilizers such as sea weed extract and fish amino-acids. meanwhile irrigation is very important.    . 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Sweet potato organic cultivation

Sweet potato 

organic sweet potato cultivation

we are experimenting with new crops. crop suitability pest resistance yield taste. some of our criteria to determine our future verities. we want to cultivate superb crops that suit to local conditions and that dose not ask for lot of chemical inputs. some times we search local remedies for issues. any how sweet potato grow well thrive on our soil we are expecting to harvest after another two months until that ?   

Natural farming

Hi I'm Nalin from Sri Lanka. professionally I do importing and sales of agriculture technological equipment that is related to micro ...