
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Organic Farming vs Natural farming

Farming is natural practice. Long ago farmers were dependent on natural elements and soil for their harvest . but green revolution and industrial revolution change farming now farming is no more nature base practice it is another industry influence by  technology synthetic chemical inputs such as agro chemicals and man made crop verities. After realizing negative effects of modern agriculture now there is trend towards good old practices.
1.       Organic farming
2.       Natural farming
Now when we look at these two methods some times we feel both are same but is this both methods are same? No
Organic farming
Organic farming refuse use of synthetic agro chemicals and man  made crop verities. Such as hybrids  and genetically modified crops. Organic farmers use organic fertilizers manures natural rock dusts, salts, plant extracts, oils as fertilizers, pesticides, and fungicides. In organic farming farmers have freedom to use wide verity of inputs that come from natural origin.
In organic farming farmers do some conventional practices like tilling plowing soil preparations and weeding.
Organic farming need  lot of inputs such as compost, manures, organic liquids. These cost more because these ingredients need to be add in bulk
Natural farming
Natural farming   has several authors or fathers and deferent roots. One root coming from Japan this natural farming philosophy conceptualize by Mr. Masanobu Fukuoka ( 1913 -2008) a Japanese farmer and philosopher. The initial concept was present by  book “ One Straw revolution”
Masanobu Fukuoka

In natural farming farmers dose not use chemicals or organic fertilizers to cultivation.
Farmers gradually develop soil by adding plants that grow in the same field and let these plants to decompose. These decomposing plants encourage soil organisms  to make soil more fertile and rich.
Soil preparation, tilling, plowing is not practice in natural farming. Instead farmers do no tilling cultivation. they sow seeds and mulch these seeds. Usually these mulch is coming from weeds grow in the same field. That mean weeds provide mulch, and fertilizer to sow seeds.
Natural farming inputs are minimum farmers use resources exist in farm and they gradually enrich soil by encouraging natural environment to thrive.
Zero budget Natural farming (ZBNF)
This natural farming concept improved by Indian Agriculturist Mr. Subsahs Palekar. It is known as Zero budget Natural farming (ZBNF). The importance of this method is it can use in commercial  level. Farmer can apply this system to his farm with minimal budget tht is almost zero by using farm base resources.
Subsahs Palekar

Basic principal of  ZBNF is that plants will have 98% of their inputs from air, water and sun light. Only 2% of inputs need to be provided from soil that can be arrange by increasing activities of farmer friendly soil organisms.
Soil will covered by degrading mulch. Most of the time it would be weeds grow on the farmland and let this weeds to cover soil and degrade by cutting and mulching. Later soil organisms will turn this mulch into compost.
Most of the ZBNF farmers use to raise Indian origin or Asian cows that is suitable to local conditions. Farmers use these cow’s cow dung and urine to make “Jewamrutha” this cow dung contain lot of soil beneficial bacteria that will enhance the activities of soil ultimately crating live fertile soil.
Natural pesticides such  as  Merrigold Flower base Dasharni ark and Neem base Neem astra use to control pests. By using these methods farmers can do commercial cultivation with this method. farmers can do commercial cultivation with  minimal input and at the same time they can have pure yield for less cost.

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Natural farming

Hi I'm Nalin from Sri Lanka. professionally I do importing and sales of agriculture technological equipment that is related to micro ...