Our first crop Idea was given by one of my Mentor and well wisher Major General Buwaneka Gunarathna. one day I was with him having nice little chat under a tree sipping fresh Juice with his friend Brigadier Hareen Walgama He ask Nalin what are you going to plant in your new farm. I had so many Ideas I explain those then he told me this I will give you 200 Soursop plants you can start your farm with it. it was great initiation. He has help me in several occasions in my life in difficult times now again he help me in this matter. As a Agriculture specialist, person who has proven his achievements their is nothing to discuss further General was always right I start my farm with his plants.
Later he justified his idea value of the fruit its medicinal properties and plat's tolerance to our climatic condition. after some time now I realize he is right. that day I couldn't bring much plants in my car I brought 53 plants with me and then during the beginning of the rainy season I plant those in the field and now those are growing well.
this fruit is considered as highly nutritional. it tolerate tropical hot climate and required less inputs. less number of pest attacks observe. mealy bug attack was observe to the tip of the plant branches that is easy to prevent using water spray.
later I will explain how to plant this fruit tree step step. with another post.
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