We practices different methods when we do cultivation.
- clear land
- tilling or soil preparation
- adding fertilizer
- sowing seeds
- weeding
- adding fertilizers
- plant training ( pruning, trellising, thinning foliage/fruits)
- harvesting
we practice these actions with some knowledge or some times because it is common practice. have you thought about it before you do it whether it is necessary or not.
why we do it ? to
- loosen soil or improve soil air
- get access to more soil nutrients to plant root
- remove unnecessary components in the soil
- even leveling soil
Tilling mean plowing or up lifting deeper soil layers and putting top soil down and mixing natural soil structure to help cultivation of crops.
is this practice meaningful. dose this happen in nature. yeas it happen when pigs and other such animals till the soil in nature. but do this animals mix soil layers together. No in nature these animals mix soil cover and top soil and improve composting organic matter. therefore tilling is not natural thing. Tilling is man made activity.
Temperate zone soil and tropical soil structure is different
Temperate zone
In temperate zone soil experience four seasons with different climate conditions. specially in winter temperature is below freezing. most of the temperate countries farming start during spring. what is happening during four seasons.
Autumn trees shed leaves fruits and other death animal bodies and animal feces leaving soil cover with layer of organic matter. during winter this organic matter layer act as insulation to soil and keep the soil temperature stable. most of the soil organisms move to little deeper into soil to to service and due to that most of the active soil organisms survive in deeper layers of soil rather than surface of the soil. their for when spring come when snow and Ice melt what will remain is half compost organic matter on top of the soil and full active layer of rich soil in deeper with soil organisms. farmers in early days realize when they deg deeper and overturn the soil for cultivation it give better yield. what is the reason for that tilling in temperate zones we take out active soil layer up and submerge organic matter layer to down. after tilling we are end up with fertile soil on top and half composted organic matter in deeper layer of soil. with this disturbance by tilling soil organisms dose not remain on surface these organisms are live and again dig down to natural soil layer that is lie down below the surface now they have good amount of organic matter to feed on. then they decompose these organic matter and enrich the soil. this the scientific fact behind the tilling in temperate zone. it has positive effect on cultivation. but it disturb natural soil structure and soil organisms life. temperate zone farmers use deep tillers to up bring deep layers of soil into surface and overturn surface soil and soil covering organic matter into deeper down.
Tropical soil structure
In tropical zone soil structure is different fertile layer of soil is the top soil and most of the soil organisms actively live near surface because they have food air and humidity near surface. in natural forests dead leaves litter forest floor and composted humus remain on top soil cover this layer is very thin and active. this reality is understood by natural forest trees because most forest tree roots dose grow on surface rather than grow into deeper layers of soil.
but tropical farmers also do tilling. because they are educated to do it. with deep tilling they take out infertile deep soil layers into soil surface and bury fertile top soil in deep killing most of the soil organisms that got use to live near surface of soil. by adopting foreign agricultural practices we destroy our soil. most of the land preparation in tropical zone was remain to surface farmers were not digging into deep layers for land preparation, but with modern agriculture and globalization these local practices were viper out by western agriculture theories ending up with infertile soils in tropical zone
we have to learn from nature when we plant a seed do we need to dig a hole for strong stability of the tree. no roots will anchor tree to soil that is nature. when we disturb soil soil structure change soil organisms will die and soil will be lifeless soon creating bare lands. we should understand the nature we need to influence the natural system. then nature will take care of us.
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